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Burglary Insurance

Introduction and General Underwriting Considerations

The growth in crime during recent years have meant that burglary insurance has become increasingly necessary. The present incidents of burglary ranging from petty theft to expert robberies by armed gangs show that hardly any business premises can be regarded immune.

The policy is designed to cover damage or loss of property insured caused by foreseeable and violent entry into and exit from the premises described in the policy schedule. The policy extends to cover damage to premises causes at the time of the entry or exit.

First loss policies can also be issued. The rating/ discount to be allowed will be as tabulated below:

Policy Rates

The percentage of the first loss as it bares to the total value of the risks is given in column A and a discount on premium after applying the full rate as in one above for the first loss policy is given in column B below

Row A (FLIS/TVAR) Upto 25% 50% 75% 100%
Row B (Discount) Upto 40% 30% 15% Nil

The policies must be subject to declaration of full value at every renewal. Underwriting considerations for this class of insurance will largely be dependent on factors such as area or location of the risk, situation, accessibility to the premises, where the premises is locked up or occupied, type of stocks, types of construction of the building, egress and the degree of protection afforded to the individual premises etc.

Minimum Rate

This policy covers property whilst actually situated within the premises described in the schedule. Goods in the open or goods temporarily removed are not actually covered. Consideration for cover can be given depending on the nature of the goods and the external security to the storage areas.

  • All policies issued must be subject to a safe and book clause. The effect of such a warranty is to make it a condition of the policy that can throughout the currency of the insurance. The insured shall maintain a complete set of books, accounts and stocks record to provide a record of all business transactions and all the stock on the premises. All such records are to be kept in a locked fire proof safe or removed from the premises were possible.
  • Where a risk contains a large element of high group, the rate for a higher group will apply.
  • The rates indicated are minimum and are to be applied to the total value at risk.
  • Were the percentage of the sum is insured to the total value falls midway, apply upper rating percentage(first loss insurance)
  • All policies are subject to average.
  • For first loss policies the percentage of sum insured to total value at risk shall be a minimum of 25%

Burglary Insurance Rates

Class of Risk 1 2 3 4 5
Minimum Rate of Full Value 0.35% 0.5% 0.75% 1.00% 1.5%

Excess: 10% of the claim amount subject to a minimum of 1% of the sum insured (either FLSI of full value)

Premium Discount

The Underwriter at his discretion may discount premium upto 10% in recognition of the cost of some improvement to the risk as recommended by the surveyors.

Company Information

Insurance Agency
Norwich Insurance Brokers Limited

Corner of Katimamulilo and Bende Road
Olympia Extension

Norwich Insurance Brokers Ltd
1st Floor, Mpendwa House
President Avenue

2nd Floor Mosi-o-Tunya House

Contact details

E-mail address:

+260 977 787 779

+260 955 803 166

+260 211 290567

+260 212 612 040

Available 8:00am - 4:00pm