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Life Assurance

Healthcare system is one of the most neglected areas in Zambia. In the absence of a comprehensive health insurance policy, many people have been forced to deplete their life savings in the pursuit of making a loved one healthy again.

Get your medial expense policy today!

Group Life Assurance

This policy is designed to cover your employees for death arising from natural causes or accidents. A selected multiplier is chosen e.g. 3 times annual salary to be assured per employee.

Enquire Today
Level of Protection: from K50,000.00 to K10,000,000.00
Grace Period: up to 60 days
Hotline Assistance: 08am to 5pm (Mon-Fri)
Policy Modification:

Funeral Expenses Insurance

The policy is designed to relieve you of the funeral costs and the burden that arises when an employee dies. This is done by transferring the arrangements of the funeral to a selected funeral service provider who is paid by the insurer.

A cash payment for food and transportation is also included in the cover.

Whether a death is sudden or expected, it is always sad and often stressful trying to pull together resources in a short space of time. Somehting that often surprises people is how expensive this is.

For the vast majorite of people, they do not plan ahead or save for their funeral, so those left behind are not only left with grief, but also with a lot of expenses.

From K5,000.00
Level of Protection: from K50,000.00 to K10,000,000.00
Grace Period: up to 60 days
Hotline Assistance: 24-Hour
Policy Modification: Online
Payment of Benefits: Monthly

Medical Insurance

The policy is designed to cover medical expenses for both illness and accident. Payment will be limited to the chosen limit on the policy.

Hospital Cash Plan (HCP)

Hospital cash plan is a living benefit that provides financial support when you suffer some form of income loss due to hospitalization of your dependants (spouse and children) or yourself.

Get your cover today!

Enquire Today
Level of Protection: from K5,000.00 to K10,000,000.00
Grace Period: up to 60 days
Hotline Assistance: 24-Hour
Policy Modification: Online

Company Information

Insurance Agency
Norwich Insurance Brokers Limited

Corner of Katimamulilo and Bende Road
Olympia Extension

Norwich Insurance Brokers Ltd
1st Floor, Mpendwa House
President Avenue

2nd Floor Mosi-o-Tunya House

Contact details

E-mail address:

+260 977 787 779

+260 955 803 166

+260 211 290567

+260 212 612 040

Available 8:00am - 4:00pm